Main Menu
- Model
Add new: to add new model folder. (Better done via the Start page)
Select: to select from models that have already been synced. (Better done via the Start page)
Manage disc space: shows all models and the associated GDX/VD files.
Stop server and Exit: to stop PosgreSQL server and exit (only in the localhost installation).
- Modules: to launch the main functions:
Navigator (keyboard shortcut F6) - to see all Excel files that are included in the model.
Browse (F7) - for a tabular view of the input data - across all Excel files.
Items List - lists of all items - processes, commodities, commodity groups, and user constraints.
Items Detail (F8) - to see topology and input parameters for items.
Run Manager (F9) - to define and run cases.
Results (F10) - to analyse model output.
- Information
TIMES attribute: presents all the TIMES model generator attributes/parameters.
VEDA tags: list of all VEDA tags by template (e.g.~FI_T).
- Model:
Sync log: the synchronization log that is displayed at the end of the synchronization process.
NSV candidates: scenarios that can be converted to “no seed value” scenarios, because they don’t provide seed values to any other scenario.
UD sets usage: usage of user-defined sets in different data files.
Tag details: processing time by data table.
Manage duplicates: displays duplicate declarations of processes and commodities across files.
- Tools
- User Options:
- Syncing options:
Threads count: Number of cores used by Veda can be restricted. -1 will use all cores of the machine during Synchronization and DD writing.
Dummy imports: Dummy imports will be created by default for the selected commodity types. Dummy commodities can also be created for user constraints.
Layout settings: To restore the saved layouts to default ones.
GAMS Engine: To declare GAMS engine credentials.
Update TIMES Code: to update the TIMES source code.
Delete Log: to delete model log files.
Convert XLS to XLSX/M: converting xls files into xlsx/m files.
- Jacobian Analysis: this option can be used to improve the scaling of models, showing all equations (and variables) where the largest and smallest coefficients are different by more than 4 orders of magnitude.
To do jacobian analysis for a particular case, solve it with “CONVERTD” as the Solver and “CONVERTD” as the Solver option.
Import GDX Files: to import data GDX files.
Import VD Files: to import VD files.
License information: to deactivate licenses or to change the license key (deactivate first).
- Sets
Editor: this is a very powerful functionality that also updates the set definitions in the Excel file.
- Reports: available only in the advanced version.
Select: to select one of the reports that have been created.
Create: to create a new report.